HOURGLASS IS COMPLEX SIMPLICITY IT IS A PARACOSM - a map that existed in a state of fleeting innocence It is a state of mind , a test of time a painting of harsh but kind light Hourglass is a reminder that time is in the same time infinite yet constantly dying - but frozen in memory Hourglass reincarnates everyday in me Hourglass is a reminder of healing. Hourglass lingers in self love. Hourglass does not boast - it provides Hourglass dies the minute it’s born again. Hourglass lives in me I too, am Hourglass. An ARTCODED Production @art.coded in collaboration with theART-Dept. @theartdept_weho & Create This @createthisla. Photography: Reinhardt Kenneth @reinhardtkenneth. Executive Producer: Gina Kim Park @ginakpark. Creative Producer: Ari Friedman @arimandias. Muse: Emily Lazar @emilylazar_sm, Skye Aurelia @skye.aurelia, Angela Zhang @zhangsta.io, Paige Lauren Billiot @flawless_affect, Addieson Caulder @officialaddieson, Eva Cota @evacota___, Tina Glaze @tina_glaze_, Bunny D @bunnycrazyworld, Kalos @kalogenic, Sidney Rubino @sidneyrubino, Jane @jaaneee4. HMUA: Ja’el Serrano @serranostudiosla, Carlos Gonzalez @carlosgbeauty, Sydney Staehle @sydstaehle, Kseniya Bernkhardt @kseniya_bern, Cristina @cristina__glam, Mariah Valdez @riahhh.mua, Amii Galloway @amiigalloway, Geremi So @gerrids.art, Claire Brooke @verysaltylooks, Carmonie Fuselier @carmonieaf, Crystal Rox @crystalrox5. Styled by: Victor Puglielli & FRAKTU @hausofpuglielli @fraktudesign. Lighting Director: Matt Mendoza @matt.mendoza.media. Gaffer: Hugo Arvin @arvizu_arts. AC: Carol Colombo @caroliscolombo. Scanned by: Rafael Llamas @rafa2w & Hio Fae @hiofae. Photographer’s Assistant: Jenna Nikole @jenna_nikole, Franco Salas @debeserfranco.